Why I hope things go wrong (just a little bit)

Do you ever hope things go just a little bit wrong sometimes? I think our desire for an easy time, the perfect ceremony, good weather, etc. mean we miss out on something far more important.

When I look back at those events that stick in my memory, those that helped shaped me, or those for which I hold the greatest affection, it’s when things didn’t go quite as planned:

  • That time when I was unexpectedly homeless… and found a cascade of lifelong friends as a result. 
  • That time when I didn’t pass the exams I needed… and the subsequent self-examination  led me down a path more conguent with my natural inclinations.
  • That time when the whole family was stuck in the tunnel on the way to Logan airport, for over two hours… and we still talk about the “Boston Bladder Dash (with no battery left for GPS)” when we all gather for high days and holidays.

And so as we head into 2018, I hope things go just wrong enough for you. 

  • At new year, I hope you miss your party… and meet an amazing stranger.
  • If you’re getting married… I hope a very drunk great uncle Hugo falls into your cake so that you have laughs for life. 
  • If you set yourself yet another stretch goal, I hope your efforts end in glorious failure…  in such a way that you’re reminded doing things simply because you love doing them is also a worthwhile use of one’s time. 

May all our 2018s be perfectly imperfect.

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paolo duffini Written by:

An ocean loving, tea drinking nomad currently living in the USA. I believe in the power of curiosity to elevate humans above their basic wiring. Discovery begins wherever you want it to begin, but it aways needs an open mind, and the willingness to admit that what we think we know might not be the whole story.