Loon, tit, cock, and booby

… all feature in the names of bird breeds.  

Place names have hilarity too. In Ireland you can find Bastardstown, in the USA we have Big Bone Lick, and from the UK we have Fanny Barks, Brown Willy and Bell End. 

But it’s the onomatopoeic quality of words that delights me the most. Some are just so much fun to say. The shape your mouth has to make and the way you move your tongue to form them is a joy in itself.

Words with “oo” in the middle… words ending in “-t” or “-k”… we need these words in our lives. And when the words have a story, an exoticism, a heritage, they are more beautiful still. 

Words like papoose, cacophony, solipsism, baboon, salacious, purple, mama mia, Tuareg… 

I could go on. I already have. Find your words. Say them out loud. Enjoy them. And on that note I’ll leave you with a bushtit.

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paolo duffini Written by:

An ocean loving, tea drinking nomad currently living in the USA. I believe in the power of curiosity to elevate humans above their basic wiring. Discovery begins wherever you want it to begin, but it aways needs an open mind, and the willingness to admit that what we think we know might not be the whole story.