A manifesto for life?

A few days ago I saw a video of a UPS delivery driver taking time out of his day to shovel snow from the porch where he had just dropped off his package. There seemed to be nothing in it for him. From what I could gather in the grainy image, he was shoveling with a smile, oblivious to being filmed on a doorcam. Of course this could have been staged (we need to be even more cautious what we trust these days) but there seemed no harm in choosing to believe it genuine.

I did brief rummage on the interwebs and the video seems to be at least a year old, perhaps recirculating at this time of year, when we have a greater need to believe in the higher qualities of human creatures. As we transition into a new solar year the video nudged me into thinking about what other qualities might join this selfless act on a manifesto for life.

For this manifesto, which I confess is still embryonic, I took my cue from the manifesto for agile software development. That manifesto emerged from an industry in which micro-management and bureaucracy were stifling effective delivery of a useful solution.

This is a work in progress. I expect to visit this frequently and update regularly – at least I hope so. Let me begin, and please feel free to share your own thoughts on what might be added.

  1. Kindness, even when no one is looking
  2. Others over self
  3. Doing the right thing over doing the thing right
  4. Variety over uniformity
  5. Ethics over profits
  6. Creativity over consumption
  7. Listening over speaking
  8. Feedback over criticism
  9. Respect, even in disagreement
  10. Know yourself
  11. Live curiously
  12. Cultivate passion
  13. Consistency in word and deed
  14. Find your right circumstances because in the wrong circumstances every strength is a weakness, and in the right circumstances every weakness is a strength
  15. Cultivate your ability to adapt
  16. Hold people accountable, especially yourself
  17. Consume sustainably
  18. Perseverence
  19. Be a caretaker of the world
  20. Respond rather than react
  21. Having something is less important than knowing how to get it back
  22. If you truly knew it you would have done it, so be kind to yourself – when we know better, we do better
  23. Everyone is your teacher
  24. Everything is your teacher
  25. Learn a trade
  26. Be honest, especially with yourself (bonus: you won’t need to remember so much)
  27. Be a citizen of the world
  28. Resilience

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paolo duffini Written by:

An ocean loving, tea drinking nomad currently living in the USA. I believe in the power of curiosity to elevate humans above their basic wiring. Discovery begins wherever you want it to begin, but it aways needs an open mind, and the willingness to admit that what we think we know might not be the whole story.